Welcome to the UQ Bose-Einstein Condensation laboratory

Located in warm and subtropical Brisbane, we explore the coldest matter in the universe, Bose-Einstein condensates (BEC). We are interested in the applications of ultracold atomic systems. These include problems of fundamental physics interest, such as quantum turbulence, quantum thermodynamics, and exotic spin defects, but also includes application oriented research, such as quantum sensing and atomtronics. We operate two different apparatuses in our lab that provide complimentary capabilities:

  • Scalar apparatus: This machine is built around a small glass vacuum cell which allows high-resolution patterning of arbitrary time-dependent potentials and imaging of resulting atom configurations. In this apparatus we are currently pursuing experiments in quantum turbulence, quantum thermodynamics and sensing. These experiments are conducted with ⁸⁷Rb, but we aim to implement a second species, ⁴¹K, in the near future.

  • Spinor apparatus: This BEC apparatus utilises three different spin substates of ⁸⁷Rb. Through projecting arbitrary potentials on the atoms, we can deterministically create spin defects on demand. The high degree of control allows us to accurately study spin interactions, as well as quantum turbulence of mixed spin systems and quantum sensing.

We are looking for undergraduate, honours, and PhD students! Please browse our available projects for more information.

